Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Acting Like an Expecting Mom

I think you all know that after a little husband convincing on my end, we've decided our next baby will be cloth diapered.  A while ago I met with a very nice and talented women, who also happens to be an adoptive mother of two, who makes cloth diapers.  She showed me how they "work" and her "factory" where she sews them in her basement.  It was so helpful.  She recently unveiled a great new diaper and announced that several would be available for sale today.  I LOVED the new limited edition diaper, and it was a Wednesday (my day off), so I figured that must be a sign that I should buy one!  :)  The first of hopefully many diapers!!  I chose brown with a orange BOOM BOOM so it would be boy and girl friendly.  Anyway, I had a big smile on my face when I clicked on "complete order".  I'm cautious enough to realize that our situation may not work out as we are hoping, but in the mean time I truly feel that we should live life as expecting parents.  I think we deserve to celebrate with hope and anticipation what is to come.  It feels good to be expecting again.  (And, no, we don't have a match....YET!)

Custom Order 1 Chicka Chicka Boom Boom Diaper 9amCST

1 comment:

  1. I love this diaper. I really can't buy ANY more. I think Carrie can put one of her kids through college with my purchases! ha! Stocking up is really the ideal anyway. The cost isn't such a big hit and it's fun to slowly watch the piles get bigger and bigger! :0)
