Sunday, August 14, 2011

Prepping for a Visit!

We were so excited to have our good friends and their 11 month-old baby come for a visit this weekend (they live SIX hours away)!  We always have a great time with them, and couldn't wait to see how much their little girl had grown.  The night before we grabbed a few baby items from our basement and had the best time getting them ready for our cute little visitor.  (Griffin thoroughly enjoyed the exersaucer!)  It was so fun to have a baby in our home again! 

All three of us were having so much fun cleaning the toys and high chair.  I looked over at Jamie and commented that I didn't expect it to be so much fun.  It wasn't a chore at all, and wasn't one bit depressing- despite the fact that I thought we would need some of these things for our own baby by now.  Maybe it's because I am so happy that my friend gets to be a mom?  Maybe I have been blessed with grace?  Maybe I've finally accepted that things are different for us?  Different, hard, but we also have so much good. 

Griffin was so interested in the baby--he wanted to feed her and was hoping that she could come play with him outside some day.  But, after a while, you could tell that sharing his toys--and attention--was getting a bit old. 

We offered to keep her longer, but apparently her parents like her too much!  :)

P.S. I think my husband has nice legs. 

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