Sunday, April 3, 2011

Dear Surgery Center

Dear Surgery Center,
I, along with all of your other patients that have had to endure a D&C, would appreciate it if you would have a bit more respect with the language choices on your invoices. For example, after sufferring from an unexpected second trimester loss, it would be much less painful to read, "treatment--miscarriage" rather than "treatment--missed abortion".
I would be happy to consult with you on other ways to make your patients feel more comforted through this difficult process. Remember, we are grieving women, not just clients.
Warm regards,


  1. Wow. Did you really send a note to the clinic?! How crapy of them.

  2. No...but maybe I should? I'd need to craft that a bit better than my blog rant!

  3. Hey there... I have totally been off the radar on this.. I hope you are doing ok... Stacy shared with me yesterday. Best wishes and lots of prayers for you and your family.
